Gaming and Education: Learning Beyond the Classroom

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For the vast majority of teenagers, video gaming is a part of everyday life. While some parents may be hesitant to let their kids use gaming systems, research has shown that games can help students with concentration, creativity, memory, languages and teamwork.

Educational games can present students with real-world challenges that they must work through to complete the game and gain knowledge. Many also include an opportunity to learn from the mistakes they make, promoting problem-solving and creativity. These types of games can be a great way to teach science, history, mathematics, geography and language skills. Learn more เดิมพันที่

Gaming and Education: Learning Beyond the Classroom

With 3.2 billion players worldwide, it’s no secret that videogames are a global cultural phenomenon. But they also have the potential to transform education in a world that’s more engaging, connected and social than ever before.

As a new generation of gamers enters school, this is an exciting time to explore how the power of gaming can be used for education. But it’s important to understand the difference between gaming and learning, game-based learning and gamification.

Gaming and Education: Learning Beyond the Classroom explores where the field of gaming and education has been, as well as where it’s going. Featuring Walden University’s New and Emerging Technologies course, this article explores strategies on how to engage learners using the intentional use of technology.

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